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Health and Nutrition

25 Quotes to Motivate Your Yoga Practice

5 minute read

Quotes to Motivate Your Yoga Practice We all have a little yogi in us! The very start of my yogi journey was so long ago, I can hardly remember what prompted it. I do, however, remember taking on every class as if it was the “yoga championship”. Coming from an athletic family and background, I felt as though I suddenly had so much to prove. I had to be the best in every class, nailing poses and taking those extra challenges teachers offered. Modifications? Don’t know her! So my instructor and guru started sending me inspirational quotes to motivate your yoga practice. Then some point in the journey, I began flowing with so much more intention. Shifting my focus from achieving to breathing changed everything in my practice. Now looking back, I believe I had to begin with this competitive nature in order to continue showing up and maintaining presence. Each time I came to the mat, regardless of what got me there, I had to stay entirely in the moment to improve. This meant I also found a new level of peace and presence within my practice every single class. Eventually, I discovered that there’s never anything to prove
