li Astrology Journal: Prompts to Honor the Spring Equinox

4 minute read

Happy New Year!

…sort of.

Okay, so maybe the new year is well underway according to the Gregorian calendar. But the beginning of the astrological new year comes with the arrival of spring. The Spring Equinox typically occurs on March 20th or 21st depending on the year. This year, we get an early start thanks to the leap year. On March 19th, the Spring Equinox transition happened as the sun slid into Aries. That’s right, Aries babes, you kick off the astrological new year for all of us! So grab that astrology journal and let’s get to work. 

Maybe you already sense this fiery new start swirling around in the fresh air. Or you could be gently easing your way into this fresh start while processing endings and carefully choosing which way to go next. Personally, I always find the transition from the ethereal nature of Pisces season into the passionate Aries weeks a little jarring…but delicious, like a great shot of espresso! But any way you decide to start the astrological year is perfect, so long as it’s aligned with what feels good and true to you!

For every beginning, there is always a time to assess where you are before moving ahead. The fire of Aries season can feel both intimidating and beautifully all-consuming if we’re not able to stay grounded as we face the beginnings racing towards us. I mean, Aries is the God of war and courage for a reason, right? So, we’ve gathered a list of our favorite questions to ask ourselves during this Spring Equinox season.

Whether you’re tiptoeing ahead or firing on all cylinders, we hope these questions help bring in some much needed clarity and focus so that you can start this astrological new year off in the best way possible!

Photo Credit: Southern Living via site

For those off to a fiery start:

1. What first ignited the spark to move ahead?
2. Is that spark, that passion something I want to continue fueling?
3a. If it is, what are three active ways I can nurture that flame?
3b. If not, how can I redirect the fire into a more productive place? (I.e. switching the focus from unhealthy relationships to work, self-love, cultivating new friendships)
4. What are five characteristics I need to channel in order to be more aligned with the person I want to evolve into?
5. What is my ‘why’? Why do I want and long for the things I feel myself racing towards? Safety, security, love, feeling accomplished? What keeps me flowing so fiercely?
6. Four ways I can check in with myself the next few weeks and ensure I’m staying grounded and rooted in my purpose as I travel on through Aries season.

For those easing their way into the new:

1. What is my current energy towards this new season?
2. Where is that energy most felt within my body?
3. What thoughts arise as I tap and feel into these parts a little deeper? Fear, hesitation, resistance, melancholy?
4. Can I name the root of these thoughts/feelings?
5a. If so, what are they and what is one active way I can begin to undo each one? (I.e. Feeling a tight chest caused by fear and realizing doing the things I’m afraid of helps release those fears.)
5b. If not, that’s okay! Just skip ahead to the next part!
6. What are three things I’m ready to let go of?
7. How about four things I’m ready to fully let in?
8. What are five characteristics I need to channel in order to be more aligned with the person I want to evolve into?
9. What is my ‘why’? Why do I want and long for the things I feel myself walking towards? Safety, security, love, feeling accomplished? What keeps me flowing so fiercely?
10. Four ways I can check in with myself the next few weeks and ensure I’m staying grounded and rooted in my purpose as I travel on through Aries season.

Aligning Your Planets: An Astrological Journal for Self-Reflection, Growth, and Balance

by Alice Sparkly Kat

isbn: 9781797222233,template: list

Journal with the planets and heal your heart.
