Zodiac Self-Care: Libra

11 minute read

little infinite poetry libra self care

The cool air brings with it the first of the fall zodiac signs – Libra!

Much like their zodiac symbol, Libra’s thrive when everything is in balance. However, we all know how stressful it can be trying to keep everything in your life just right. Everyone’s life gets out of balance. Luckily for Libra, we have some self-care tips that will put you back in balance.

So, let’s put a little zodiac into self-care!

Communication is Libra’s signature specialty. They are always open to talking or listening, especially when a friend or loved one is in need. Libra’s tend to have a pattern of putting “We” before “Me.” So, lets try to focus on the “self” part of self-care.

Self-Care Routine

Start Writing

As an air sign, Libras are thinkers and creators. On top of that, they communicate and express themselves well. So, why not combine those communication skills and creativity with a bit of writing?

Writing Prompts

Whether you are a first time writer or a seasoned veteran, writing prompts are a great way to jumpstart your writing. Have you ever hit that brick wall called writer’s block? Or do you feel yourself staring at a blank screen or paper not knowing what to write about? Try some prompts!

Little Infinite Prompt Journals – 365 journal

We love poetry at little infinite, and what we love even more are poetry writing prompts. That is why we created an interactive 365-day poetry prompt journal – for free. A prompt a day encourages you to write every day, and is bound to have you writing about topics you haven’t considered before.


Clear Your Head

Creative and innovative souls tend to spend a lot of time in their own heads. Libra’s are definitely subject to this habit. One big downside to spending so much time with your thoughts, however, is that it can get overwhelming. So, Libra, when you are starting to feel the mental drain, put those communication skills to work and write it out.

Start a journal or diary. You don’t have to write in it every day and you certainly don’t have to fill it with you deep dark secrets. Simply grab a blank notebook and write down how you are feeling, what you are thinking about, or even just what you did that day. Try a journal prompt! Writing it down can take away some of the stress.

Idea List

Another way to help clear your head is to create an idea list. This can easily be incorporated into your journal or creative writing too. Libra is the innovator of the zodiac. So, write down those innovations. and ideas! Do a brain dump, write whatever is on your mind in any order. You’ll have a clearer mind and who knows what will come of it.

Libra zodiac self-care tip 2

Mantras and Affirmations

Libras find power in words. Whether those words come from a prayer, uplifting speech, your favorite song, or even a motivational poster, surround yourself with words you resonate with. A great place to start is to find a mantra. When you feel that you need a pick me up, or just a gentle reminder, repeat your mantra.

You are Strong, Smart, and You Got This, by Kate Allan

Libra zodiac sign affirmations book

What better way to keep yourself going than with affirmations and adorable animal drawings? While mental health is becoming less of a touchy topic, it can still be hard to talk about or address. We all have bad days, so here is a book to help us through them. Using her guided illustrations, Allan talks about mental health in an approachable and unassuming way.

This book is perfect for when you’re feeling inadequate, overwhelmed, down on yourself, or scared. What’s more, it can help you feel a little better about some of those old wounds that might still be healing. Most importantly, this book is full of little messages of hope that you can read whenever you need them.

Greatest Inspirational Quotes: 365 days to more Happiness, Success, and Motivation, by Joe tichio

Greatest Inspirational Quotes: 365 days to more Happiness, Success, and Motivation

If you’re feeling off and need a bit of a pick-me-up, grab this book and find a bit of inspiration throughout history. This book has 365 inspirational quotes from everyone from Eleanor Roosevelt – a fellow Libra – to Ralph Waldo Emerson.

There are a couple of different ways to use this book. The first is to read one a day – there are 365 of them! The second is to just open it up to a random page when you need a bit of inspiration. Of course, you can always read it cover to cover like any other book.

Affirmation Instagram

Follow some inspirational and affirmation Instagram accounts. Then, you can just head to your timeline for a bit of motivation and reassurance when you need it. Here are a few of our favorites.

Libra zodiac self-care tip 3

Physical Activities

Physical activity is an important part of self-care because it keeps both your body and mind strong. It’s a stress reliever. Libras tend to prefer doing activities that involve fluid movement and keeps them from being sweaty and unkempt.


Despite being an air sign, Libras take well to water. Swimming is an effective way for you to be physically active, while avoiding sweat. It is usually solitary, allowing you to focus on your own thoughts, and its fluid movements feel natural to Libras.

Tai Chi

Another great workout for Libra is Tai Chi. This meditative martial art works both the body and the mind. It is used as a form of meditation while also working on balance and precision movements. Tai Chi can also be used as a form of self- defense if needed, but most of the time it is an easy and peaceful workout.

Hiking – also spend time outside

What better way to get a workout than to get outside! Embrace your air sign and breathe in as much fresh air as possible.

All Trails – available for iOS and Android

Whether you’re traveling, or just exploring your local area, AllTrails will find hiking trails nearby. Simply enter in your area, or search by city or trial name. You can filter by difficulty, length, elevation, and rating, so you can find the perfect trail for an easy walk, a tough trek, or anything in between.

Libra zodiac self-care tip 5

Invest in Aesthetics

A lover of aesthetics, Libra is all about lux. They feel at home surrounded by beautiful furniture and accessories they can admire. Similarly, they love to look good too. Instead of a closet full of clothes, Libras love to invest in unique pieces. So, why not turn that love of lux into a bit of self-care?

Redecorate! Reorganize!

Feeling a bit stagnant? Redecorate your home! Shop for a few new pieces that will add to your aesthetic, or completely change it up. At the very least, you can always rearrange what you already have. No matter the space, you can find plenty of inspiration out there.


Donate or sell your gently used items

One of the benefits of enjoying nice things is that getting rid of them can be quite profitable. After de-cluttering or rearranging your home, if you find that you have a few items that just aren’t working anymore, consider reselling them. Find a resale shop that donates it’s profits to charity, or use an app, like thredUP, for resale to make a little extra cash. Just, please, don’t throw it out.


Cleaning Service

For most of us, one of the worst things to have to do when you’re feeling stressed or tired is clean. So, splurge on a cleaning service. Not only will you not have to get down and dirty cleaning up your place, but you can sit back and just enjoy the serenity that is a clean home.

Libra zodiac self-care tip 6

Keep Learning

Due to the constant innovator and creative nature of this sign, Libras are always yearning to learn more. Whether it is about a person, idea, or story, the act of learning can be added to a self-care routine in a variety of ways.

Read other Libras

Get a little bit of insight, or just enjoy a great book by a fellow Libra. As communicators, intellectuals, and social people, their books are sure to be insightful and thought-provoking.

I Would Leave Me If I Could: A Collection of Poetry, by Halsey

i would leave me if i could halsey - book by libra sign

Full of longing, love, and the nuances of living with a mental illness, this debut collection can only be written by Halsey. Considered more “hand grenades than confessions,” these autobiographical poems dismantles what it means to be a “conventional” feminist.

Halsey is the communicative Libra, and not only in the way she expresses herself creatively, but in the way she shares her message. Anyone who listens to her music or reads these poems will not only be entertained but understand the vulnerable message in each of them.

Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates

between the world and me - ta-Nehisi Coates

This personal narrative attempts to answer an important question: What is it like to inhabit a black body and find a way to live within it? How can we reckon with history and free ourselves from its burden? Written in the form of a letter to his adolescent son, Ta-Nehisi Coates tries to answer these questions through sharing his own personal story.

Beginning with his own awakening to his place in the world, Coates takes readers through his experiences at Howard Univeristy and Civil War battlefields to the South Side of Chicago and the far off city of Paris, even his own childhood home and the homes of women whose children’s lives were taken from them. This impressive personal narrative offers a transcendent vision for the future.

Night, by Elie Wiesel

This autobiography by fellow Libra is less an interesting look into their life and more a walk through the life of a prisoner in Nazi death camps. Elie Wiesel was a teenager during his time at Auschwitz and Buchenwald. He survived the terrors of those camps and wrote of his experiences in this Nobel Peace Prize winning book.

This specific edition was translated by his wife and is, perhaps, the closest to the author’s original intent. While Wiesel’s experiences are an important part of this book, so are his philosophical questions about what the holocaust was and what it truly meant for history.


If there is one way other than a good book to get an inside look into a topic, place, or person, it is through a documentary. While many might not consider this genre as the most entertaining, that isn’t always the case for Libras. This is especially true when they are able to discuss it afterwards. So, grab a friend and check out this category on Netflix.


Similar to documentaries, podcasts are a great way to learn something new. Whether you are interested in true crime, books, or history, there are thousands (probably more like hundreds of thousands) of podcasts out there that are worth a listen. Not all podcasts are just a couple of people talking about their life – they can be very educational too.

Let’s Talk Myths Baby! – A Mythology Podcast

Hardcore History – A History Podcast

99% Invisible – A Design Podcast

Libra zodiac self-care tip 7

Treat yourself and incorporate these ideas into your routines. If you’re a Libra sign, what is your self-care routine? Let us know on our socials and share it with your fellow Libras.

To stay up-to-date, make sure to keep an eye out for more of little infinite’s featured content as we celebrate poetry, books, and this beautiful hot mess we call life on Instagram and Twitter

Featured photo by Josh Rangel on Unsplash

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Writer, editor, and proud nerd. Co-host of Wit Beyond Measure, a Jane Austen podcast. A reader of books, binger of Netflix, and knitter of scarves. Her cat is probably yelling at her right now.

