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Love, Redemption, and Family star in this Romance Read

2 minute read

Hidden Sins

Stacey Abrams is likely the only human being who can put both ‘Nobel Peace Prize Nominee’ and ‘Romance author’ on her resume. I’ve been a long-time fan of romance, and over the years have heard the charges that it is silly, trite, and anti-feminist. I chose a Stacey Abrams romance, because if anyone can put that claptrap to bed, it’s her.

Hidden Sins is a whirlwind of a story: a tale of love, redemption and family that unfolds against the backdrop of a dangerous treasure hunt.

Mara, the protagonist, is an unapologetic con artist who through circumstance is forced to work with her former flame, Ethan. Joined in an uneasy alliance, they work together to escape the men chasing Mara, and beat them to a fortune in gold buried by her grandfather.

Whether or not you like your romance served with a side of adventure, the undeniable bond and heat between Mara and Ethan is so fully formed, I dare you to look away. Oh, and did I mention that at times this book is wicked funny?

Stacey Abrams dropped the pen name when she released While Justice Sleeps in May 2021.

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