He writes love poems that make us swoon, challenges men to be better partners and allies, and has his own publishing empire. Jeanty, yes please !
Entrepreneur Pierre Jeanty is the author of eight books, owner of Jeanius Publishing, Gentlemenhood.com, and writes killer poetry. He vows to influence men to improve themselves and to be a voice for women who have lost faith in good men. Forming a giant crush on him already? Yeah, we don’t blame you.
We enjoyed every page of Jeanty’s book, Her. It’s a collection of poetry and prose about women and their strength. The poems are succinct, but each line is architected to ring through your soul. You either want to be the kind of woman each poem is
Love Jeanty as much as we do? (We don’t blame you.) His website, Gentlemenhood.com, shares modern articles like How to Properly Slide into her DM and Only Weak Men are Afraid of Strong Women to inspire men to be fearless in love and women to be open.
Keep up with Jeanty on Instagram (@pierrejeanty) and on his website: gentlemenhood.com.