Women’s Empowerment Discussion Topics

6 minute read

Women’s empowerment goes far beyond succeeding in the workplace, breaking barriers, and creating community. Feminist movements have used it to get women the right to vote, the right to work, the right to own a bank account, and so much more. Empowerment is a force that shapes our lives, changes history, and moves society forward toward a more progressive and equitable future.

Topics of discussion around women’s empowerment focus on women in the workplace, women in leadership roles, and human rights. But you don’t have to attend a seminar or leadership workshop to discuss these topics. Instead, you simply need to create a safe and welcoming space where ideas can flourish and actions can be inspired.

So, gather your friends, co-workers, and members of your community. Grab a cup of coffee and a snack.

Lets Talk Women’s Empowerment

Women’s empowerment is a hot topic in many societal spheres including economics, politics, education, and culture. While women’s rights have expanded over the years, there are still systemic barriers holding many women back. By discussing and addressing these barriers are we able to remove them, because when one woman is disempowered, all women are disempowered.

Here are a few topics to discuss on women’s empowerment.

1. Empowered Women

Understanding where other empowered women start their journey is a great way to understand what barriers they have had to overcome throughout their lives. Explore the lives of women who have shattered glass ceilings and blazed trails, such as Michelle Obama, Malala Yousafzai, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Draw inspiration from their stories. Feel motivated by their successes. But most importantly, take note of their challenges.

How did they overcome the systemic barriers holding them back? Have those barriers been addressed since they faced them? How are you potentially contributing to reinforcing these barriers? What can we draw from their determination and resilience?

2. Women’s Empowerment Programs

Empowerment programs support and uplift women in all areas of life. Many companies have groups or initiatives to empower women in the workplace. Schools may offer scholarships or internship programs to help women pursue their education goals. Local chambers of commerce may offer mentorship programs for female entrepreneurs. Sharing and discussing these opportunities helps women access these resources.

Do you have any experience with these programs as either a participant or a coordinator? How are these resources advertised? Are they easy to find? Are there women in your community who could use other types of programs to empower them? How can you help create those resources?

3. Female Leadership

Discuss women in leadership positions. From corporate boardrooms to political offices, female leaders are making significant contributions to the world. Consider the unique challenges and barriers they faced on their path to leadership. How did they navigate them?

What are ways you can support and encourage more women to step into leadership roles? What kind of impact do female leaders make in politics, on corporations, within your community? Are there leadership roles you aspire to?

4. Gender Equality

Gender equality remains a critical issue worldwide. There are many areas in which men and women are not equal from the gender pay gap to gender discrimination, consciously or subconsciously. Women have been fighting for equality for decades and there is still progress to be made. Discuss different policy changes, cultural shifts, and grassroots movements that can help ensure that women have equal rights.

Where are there still gaps in equality? What are local, country, and worldwide policies doing to help or hinder equality? How have you and your peers experienced inequality? Are there any equal rights organizations where you can contribute time or money?

5. Women in Business and STEM

Business and STEM careers seem to be male-dominated areas. But things are changing as women are encouraged to pursue careers in these areas. Women, both as workers and leaders in these fields, offer a new perspective on the status quo. They can push for changes that will benefit every one of any gender. Discuss the importance of encouraging women to pursue careers in these industries.

What challenges will women face in their careers in this area? How can young girls be encouraged to pursue STEM in school? How can women and girls help each other when facing barriers in these fields, especially at a young age? What will women add to these industries that are currently overlooked?

6. Education Empowerment

Not all women and girls in the world have access to an education, even in places where all children can attend school. Due to economic status, family situations, housing complications, and more, a lack of education puts girls and young women at a massive disadvantage against their peers. Discuss how quality education supports personal development and can break the cycle of poverty for girls and young women.

How can you address barriers to education in your area? What current or future policies could help or hinder a girl’s access to education? How can you help remove barriers? How can you bring awareness to these issues?

7. Women Supporting Women

The power of community is vital to women’s empowerment. Community means sharing experiences, supporting others, and collaborating together. It means looking at the challenges that marginalized women face and working together to break down those barriers. Intersectionality in women’s empowerment improves the entire community. By improving your community you create a place for all women to feel empowered. Women support women.

How can you support other women in your community? What challenges do marginalized women in your community face and how can you help address them? How can you build stronger networks with other women?

By engaging in these discussions on women’s empowerment topics, you are learning about your community, spreading the word about issues women face, and educating yourself and others on equality. By taking action, through education, volunteering, organizing, mentoring, networking, etc, you are uplifting women everywhere. Remember, everyone benefits from women’s empowerment.

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Writer, editor, and proud nerd. Co-host of Wit Beyond Measure, a Jane Austen podcast. A reader of books, binger of Netflix, and knitter of scarves. Her cat is probably yelling at her right now.

