Ancient Greek writers remain a brilliant source of inspiration for poets across the world. Their talent for capturing the complexities of empires, adventure, war and lust laid the foundation for today’s literature. The romanticism of their words sweep readers into a foreign land. And in these places, gods and goddesses reign over heaven and earth. The goddesses specifically have the control of creation and spirit. All while man strives for a life of honor, hoping to please celestial beings.
But what draws this inspiration for us? Who inspires them?
The Muses: Greek Goddesses
The Muses are the daughters of Mnemosyne, Goddess of Memory and Remembrance, and Zeus, King of the Gods. With a power couple like that for parents, there’s no doubt that the magic within each of these ethereal goddesses is potent! Some call these goddess, nymphs as Pegasus gifted them with 4 brilliant, sacred wings. These women have supposedly help guide and steer mankind’s literature and they should be credited with strong, intelligent feminine empowerment.
Naturally, Greek poets were inspired to turn to them. The “invocation of the muse” is the act of calling upon a muse for guidance and inspiration, a common convention used in ancient Greek and Latin literature.
In fact, two of the world’s most famous epic poems begin with a prayer to the muses. The Odyssesy and The Iliad both start with a cry to the heavens before Homer continues telling two of the most influential tales literature has ever seen.
Photo from QuotesCosmos via website
Homer’s ability to humble himself enough to ask for writing assistance is moving. All too often pride blocks poets, writers, and…well, humans in general, from creating their most beautiful work yet. But calling upon the women you believe in, whether godly or human, helps us to not feel alone in our challenges. Asking for assistance allows us to pursue the magic we already have within us with ferocity and conviction.
Who Is Your Muse?
Today, we invite you to find your muse! Each of The Nine Greek Goddess Muses are said to assist in different passions, hobbies and ventures. From The Muse of Comedy to The Muse of Astronomy and Astrology, there is surely a muse ready to help you channel the goddess energy within! She’s only a call away!
The 9 Muses Dance With The God – Apollo
And so… the “Invocation Of The Muse” begins:
The 9 Muses – Greek Goddesses of Literature, Arts and Science
Calliope: Muse of Eloquence and Poetry
First muse is the wisest of all muses. Calliope is the Muse of Epic Poetry and often referred to as “Chief of all Muses”. She inspires writers and artists to bring forth eloquent and powerful words to create. With a name meaning “beautifully-voiced”, Calliope is the goddess to call upon should you ever need help owning and speaking your truth.
Clio: Muse of History
Clio is the Muse of History and serves as a guide for politicians and political relations. She is nearly always surrounded by a chest filled with books, holding a scroll to document the most groundbreaking discussions and discoveries of the ancient world.
Erato: Muse of Love and Erotic Poetry
Erato, who’s name means “lovely”, is said to be the hopeless romantic of the group and the Muse of Love and Erotic Poetry. Writers of ancient Greece frequently invoke the spirit of Erato in all love-related writings. Followers of the most romantic Muse are said to become more desirable and discover just how worthy of love they truly are.
Euterpe: Muse of Music
Meaning “giver of delight”, Euterpe brings joy and support to musicians, singers and artists in need. Euterpe is your best bet for musicians in need of a little extra oomph before a performance or to finish the last measure of your greatest hit yet.
Melpomene: Muse of the Tragedy
Melpomene is easy to recognize with a tragedy mask in one hand and the Club of Heracles in the other. This Muse is one of the most mysterious of the nine. Yet, she is known as a singer of tragedy and mother of a few sirens. Calling on Melpomene would help give you strength should you find yourself in a difficult season of life.
Thaila: Muse of the Comedy
Always holding a comic mask, Thalia smiles her way through troubles as the Muse of Comedy. As the most festive goddess of the nine, she’s the one to call upon for parties, festivals, and celebrations to live every second to its fullest!
Polyhymnia: Muse of Sacred Poetry
As the Muse of Sacred Poetry, or religious texts and hymns, Polyhymnia is here to help followers reignite their faith. It is said that she has the power to turn faith into music. If you find yourself wanting to renew your faith, Polyhymnia is your goddess!
Urania: Muse of the Astronomy and Astrology
The Muse of Astronomy and Astrology, Urania, is the guide for both dreamers and thinkers. Urania is said to work with the stars in order to help her followers feel a connection to the heavens above. If you are a fan of astrology and want to harness your inner Urania, check out these prompts based on your zodiac sign.
Terpsichore: Muse of the Dance
Lastly we have Terpsichore. She is “the one who delights in dance”! This muse is perfect for physical performances and celebrations. Known as another mother of sirens, Terpsichore is here to assist in reconnecting with the body and enchanting movement.
Now that you’ve found which of the 9 Greek Goddess Muses to stem your inspiration from, check out these poetry promptsto keep those creative juices flowing!