Six Reasons to Do A Digital Detox

4 minute read

Okay, I know you’ve thought of it…

now is the time to do it!

Sure, there’s nothing like a good mindless scroll to end a busy day. A little harmless peek at outfit inspo or funny TikToks is always fun. But the truth is once we get a hit of that sweet dopamine rush social media and screen time give us, we become more inclined to keep going…and going…and going. It’s far too easy to turn “just five more minutes” into an entire hour! That’s when we start thinking, “Should I do a digital detox?”

What exactly is a “digital detox”?

A digital detox is a set period of time during which you stop screen-based activities– social media, computer time, television, etc. Of course, the terms of this commitment are entirely up to you! Some people take a week off from Instagram alone. Others choose to dive into a screen-free life for a full 72-hours or longer. Whatever you choose, the point is that you dedicate yourself to a break that will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.

Why should you detox?

There are endless reasons to step away from the screen. Yet the main reason is YOU! When we’re constantly being shown negative news, failure-free journeys and unrealistic beauty standards, the not-so-friendly thoughts are able to creep in. We compare ourselves to people we don’t even know and find new fears sinking into our bones from the doom and gloom the news brings about. Of course it’s beautiful to stay connected to the world beyond ourselves. But when the outside world begins to feel too heavy, it’s time to shift our focus to the universe within.

Whether you’re looking to lower your daily screen time, take a hiatus for a few days or quit social media cold turkey, here are six reasons why you should absolutely do a digital detox!

1. Prioritize your physical health!

When we love our screens, we get really comfortable staring at them in awful positions. From slouching on the couch to working hunched over a keyboard, our posture and core strength is quickly lost. So, take some of that screen time and use it to focus on that body of yours a little more!

2. Keep your eyes on the prize!

It’s beautiful to witness people we admire knocking out goal after goal. However, it can always lead to subconscious comparison, anxiety, and stress. Keeping your eye focused on your journey without subjecting yourself to seeing seemingly effortless achievements absolutely helps you reach your goals on your own terms!

3. Have sweet dreams!

While scrolling in bed is a prime comfy activity, staring at artificial light before bed can ruin your sleep over time. Your brain needs time to rest before settling for the night. Choosing a book instead of a screen helps limit day-night confusion in the brain and keep that melatonin production flowing!

4. Get a breath of fresh air, literally!

When was the last time you saw a sunset? No, Instagram pics don’t count. It’s so easy to be constantly cooped up inside these days. But too much time indoors increases your exposure to allergens, illnesses and possible respiratory issues. Fresh air not only helps boost your immune system but also helps lower that pesky stress hormone called cortisol. Chill out and take a walk…phone free! Check out our article, Poetry to Read Under A Tree, for some screen-free inspo!

5. Uncover a new perspective on… everything and anything!

When my mind begins to feel cloudy, my screen time is one of the first things I check. Unsurprisingly, there’s always a direct correlation between my mental health and time spent in front of a screen. I know I’m not alone. When we’re so quick to turn to a screen for answers and outside perspectives, it’s hard to differentiate what we truly believe from what we read. Silence the outside world and define your beliefs through conversation, reading, writing, and taking time with your own thoughts. Who are you when the screens are off?

6. Reconnect with loved ones IRL!

I know we all love our alone time. But even the most introverted hearts need genuine human connection and interaction. With so many new ways to keep in touch with others digitally, we often neglect spending quality time with those we love in person. A sense of purpose and community directly impact the longevity of our lives. So give those relationships the screen-free time and love they deserve!
