
Warning: You may require a lifestyle change after this read

The Hygge Holiday
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are you familiar with the term hygge? It’s a Danish term for a lifestyle that incorporates comfort, warmth, and togetherness. The more I learn about hygge, the more I understand why the Danes are called the happiest people on earth.

The Hygge Holiday tells the story of Clara, a displaced Danish woman who brings the hygge tradition into the lives of the seriously un-hygge-esque denizens of Yuelthorpe.

When Clara, a wanderer trying to heal from a complicated past, finds herself smack in the middle of a soap-opera unfolding in a pub in Yuelthorpe, she is both mesmerized and inspired. The town is in decline, with many businesses already shuttered. While there, Louisa, the local toyshop owner, swoops into the pub and announces she is closing her doors and heading to Spain, the pub erupts into chaos.

Clara convinces Louisa to let her stay in her flat in exchange for trying to breathe some life into the beloved store. Things are going well until Louisa’s son Joe enters the picture, determined to protect his mother and her store from Clara, who he is sure is nothing more than a grifter.

Clara’s approach to Joe is as it is to everything – she decides to bring a little hygge into his life. Even a successful but stressed business executive can crumble in the face of a comfy chair, a warm meal, and a steaming bubble bath.

If this sounds a bit syrupy for your taste, never fear; there’s also a swearing parrot in the mix.

Reader warning: be sure your budget allows for some new candles and a comfy throw before reading this book because you’ll be wanting both before you’re through.

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