In the spirit of Women’s History Month, this week’s LI Voices is going to be a little different. Today, we’re honing in on not one, but three poets. These poets are igniting empowerment in all of us. Amanda Lovelace, Nikita Gill, and Trista Mateer teamed up to independently publish Dragonhearts earlier this year.
Dragonhearts talks about the power of friendship, sisterhood, and doesn’t shy away from relationships. Reminding us that our romantic love life doesn’t determine our worth, nor does it define us. Say hello to the feminist poetry collection of your dreams.
We got the chance to talk with Trista Mateer on balancing voices during the collaboration on Dragonhearts:
Little Infinite: The LI team is loving Dragonhearts and the powerhouse poets that made up this collaboration. Describe the collaboration process between you, Nikita Gill, and Amanda Lovelace on the title. How did the three of you balance having distinct voices with creating a cohesive collection?
Trista Mateer: Honestly, we spend so much time together/talking that it’s not much of an actual process to make our voices flow together. We’re all storytellers and we were telling our story. It doesn’t get much easier than that. In novels, it’s not uncommon to have multiple distinct voices or points of view working together to tell the same story so we just tried to apply the same logic here. Sometimes we wrote parts of things and sent them to each other to be finished, sometimes we sat in the same room and talked until one of us started writing it down, sometimes we wrote our pieces completely separately and worked them into the narrative.
Thanks for reminding us we’ve always been enough. Don’t forget, we’re in charge of our own happiness. We can create AND complete our own fairytale. You’ll find us cozying up with this modern feminist poetry piece, Dragonhearts.
The Siren Song of Solo Voices
We can’t deny loving these ladies’ solo work as well. Amanda Lovelace has recently released her newest collection, the mermaid’s voice returns in this one. Trista Mateer’s Honeybee spoke directly to our hearts. And Nikita Gill’s Fierce Fairytales is the only bedtime story we want from now on.
To keep up with these trailblazing poets, follow them here:
Amanda Lovelace: Instagram, Website, Facebook
Nikita Gill: Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook