Best Spring Poetry for April Showers & May Flowers

3 minute read

The Best Spring Poetry Collection is knocking at your door.

Spring! The time for new beginnings and growth, both in nature and in our own lives! It’s no wonder why poets love using the springtime for a romantic and enchanting source of inspiration. The months following winter invite us all to welcome in the light. We emerge from the shelter of the cold, leaving behind all that withered away with the old year. Instead, we make room for the promise of warmer days filled with the young flower buds and green leaves to lay below. The changing of seasons is always bittersweet. Goodbyes are seldom simple. Yet, the lightness of spring days make this transition my personal favorite of the year.

Whether your spring is beginning with bright rays of sun or the smell of sweet rain, watering the ground below, you’re sure to find the poem to support you in this new season!

By now, daylight savings has hit and that’s given us just the motivation we needed. The longer days have us ready for the warmth and sunshine. But before sun, comes the rain. So grab your rain jacket and let’s start with some April Showers themed poetry.

Poetry for April Showers:

No natural force is quite as cleansing as the rain. Washing away all that once was with a purifying shower is nature’s way of hitting the refresh button. What needs to be removed leaves with ease while the seeds that have been planted and nurtured receive more love. Maybe gray days, both in our lives and in nature, aren’t always enjoyable. Yet each drop is vital for new beginnings to take root and grow! As Jack Kerouac so eloquently put it, “something good will come out of all things”. The chosen pieces ahead honor both the romantic, dark side to spring and the difficulty of changing seasons. May the poems you read hold you, support you, and remind you that the rainy season always comes to an end!

“Spring Rain” by Sara TeasdaleBest Spring Poetry Flowers Showers

“Spring” by Christina Rossetti

Sonnet 98: From you I have been absent in the spring by William Shakespeare

“A world of dew” by Kobayashi Isaa

“Instructions on Not Giving Up” by Ada Limón

“The Late Wisconsin Spring” by John Koethe 

Poetry for May Flowers:

The #lisquad knows better than anyone that flowers are not just known for their literal beauty, but metaphorically one the most beautiful expressions from love to growth to even grieving. stop and smell the roses, would be an understatement.

From cherry blossom-filled haikus by Matsou Basho to discussing dancing daffodils with William Wadsworth, flowery spring days are a perfect poetic subject! The inspiration that arrives with the changing landscape serves as proof that every drop of the “April showers” of our lives is always worth enduring. The poems below are here to encourage you to stop and smell the roses this spring season! Get swept away with these lines of leisure, rich imagery and promise of fresh starts! Best Spring Poetry Flowers daisy

“Good Morning” by Matsou Basho

“The Passing Spring” by Matsou Basho

“Today” by Billy Collins

“I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wadsworth

“Lines Written in Early Spring” by William Wadsworth

“On a soft spring night…” excerpt from Big Sur by Jack Kerouac

“Daisy Time” by Marjorie Pickthall

“What a strange thing” by Kobayashi Issa (pictured below)

Best Spring Poetry Flowers cherry blossom
Photo Credit: Baddest Mother Ever via site
