Shoot for the stars with vocabulary such as these beautiful astrology words!
Every writer has their favorite words. But our creativity elevates when we choose to expand into a new horizon. Astrology isn’t just about celestial predictions—it’s a language of the stars, riddled with charm and mysticism. The conversation of the cosmos leads us on a beautiful, sparkling journey that could make even the most seasoned wordsmith envious. A thread of cosmic wonder is perfect for elevating your writing or poetry with a touch of the infinite.
Let’s journey through 9 of these beautiful words and explore how they can transform your storytelling.
After all, as the zodiac teaches us, we are all made of stardust.
-the point of the ecliptic or degree of the zodiac that rises above the eastern horizon at any moment.
Your ascendant is your rising sign, the way the world perceives you. It’s perfect to articulate metaphors about self-discovery, such as “She wore her ascendant like a crown of starlight.”
-the period of time averaging 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2.8 seconds elapsing between two successive new moons
A lunation—a full cycle of the moon—captures the ebb and flow of life. This word adds a rhythmic, emotional undertone to poetry while explaining the passing of time.
-concurrence of starry position or influence upon two persons : similarity of condition or fortune prefigured by astrology
Whether describing a fated love or karmic relationship, synastry is all about cosmic connections. It’s perfect for adding an extra layer of depth to the classic enemies to lovers trope.
This word speaks of intensity and focus in a certain arena by describing a cluster of planets in one particular sign. This word beautifully amplifies feelings of obsession or passion, like “Her heart was a stellium of forbidden desires.”
Chiron, the “wounded healer,” honors transformational pain. This word evokes resilience and growth while bearing witness to the healing of scars.
-either of the two points on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic
The equinox is balance embodied: day meets night in perfect harmony. Creatively used, this word could be an ideal metaphor to articulate equilibrium in relationships, life, or inner peace.
Because Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, the word Venusian instantly drips with allure. It’s best used to describe beauty, romance, or art that feels divine.
-of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition : in-between, transitional
Recognizing the in between spaces of astrology as space between worlds adds so much magic to the idea of transition and uncertainty. Add this word into your next poem to invite the reader to pause in wonder.
-of, relating to, or coming from the stars
Meaning “of the stars,” saying, “astral” feels like whispering a celestial secret. Sprinkle it into your writing like a dash of cosmic magic to explain a connection to the ether.